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Title: Arctic Edge

Summary: "The Arctic area presents some of the main societal challenges that currently face Europe and the world and has come to represent the critical environmental changes that are affecting our planet, from the forces of nature and questions about future food security to technology and innovation, as well as the socioeconomic alterations that are affecting our global community.

In order to tackle these challenges from a scientific point of view, the role of researchers at the edge of the Arctic becomes ever more important and it is clear that science and innovation will be crucial in taking on those challenges through knowledge, creativity and innovation.

The central concept of the Arctic Edge proposal is to focus on research and the role of researchers at edge of the Arctic and look at how a changing environment is providing researchers with endless new topics and challenges, from the natural sciences to the societal implications of natural and environmental changes, and invite them to engage with the public at large to communicate their work and enthusiasm. The objective is to influence a more positive public perception of researchers as persons by portraying their many facets and facilitate active dialogue between scientists and guests at Researchers Night."

For more information, please visit EurOcean Knowledge Gate.