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Title: Baltic Sea Tourism Center – Sustainable development structures for ACTIVE TOURISM

Summary: The overall objective is to set up a self-sustaining governance structure called Baltic Sea Tourism Center (BSTC) whose area of responsibility focusses on the implementation of strategic and operational activities under the EUSBSR for tourism. The BSTC will serve as a liaison office associating the key stakeholders for sustainable and responsible tourism development and cooperation in the Baltic Sea region. It will represent the common interests of business, academia and politics.

Major operational tasks are:

  • Develop and implement joint long-term tourism marketing strategies
  • Promote the image and awareness of the Baltic Sea region as a coherent travel destination
  • Elaborate, support and cluster tourism projects and initiatives to strengthen the Baltic Sea region cooperation

The BSTC further aims to facilitate the conversion of projects, projects results and temporary networks into sustainable long-term processes. Key tourism stakeholders as pillars of the BSTC are national and regional marketing and development organizations as interfaces between politics, economics/business and science; policy area Tourism under the EUSBSR; relevant enterprises from the sector.

Associated and committed partners of the BSTC are national and regional ministries and authorities, institutions, organizations and enterprises of a macro-regional importance, which contribute to and represent the aims and objectives of the BSTC. The BSTC is seen as a long term process and should be established as a self-sustaining governance structure. The flagship involves partners from Denmark Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden as well as Euroregion Baltic

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