Title: Estimation of atmospheric moisture at the air-sea interface on the Mediterranean and Black Sea using IR satellite data
Summary: The main goal of the proposed study is to develop and document limits and strengths of statistics-based tools for estimation of near-surface moisture over the Mediterranean and Black Sea from geostationary satellite observations. Due to the high temporal sampling and good spatial resolution, these observations are expected to bring an added value for applications at diurnal and sub-diurnal timescales over the Mediterranean basin, like studies of cyclonic activity, open-sea summer squalls, and waterspout events.
The first approach will be based on regression methods, employing vertical profiles of temperature and humidity derived from satellite data and results of a regional climate model. The second approach will make use of a Look-Up Table procedure for estimation of statistical characteristics of distribution of near-surface water vapour. The project will integrate a variety of data and tools, by employing recent satellite products, new observational data over Mediterranean, a well-tested regional climate model, updated datasets for sea-surface temperature.
The results may contribute to open new research directions (e.g. serving as basis for possible improvements for future geostationary satellite missions; developing operational products) or they will soundly justify the closing of approaches proposed here. Additional products of the project (e.g. regional database of vertical profiles of water vapour and temperature) are expected to have a large range of applications focusing on European area. The project will offer excellent opportunities for personal scientific advancements, as well as for acquiring or strengthen complementary skills. It will also contribute to inform scientific and non-scientific communities at national level about European research opportunities. The project will have a strong contribution to increasing visibility of Romanian research institutes on European level, as well as to reinforce or build cooperations with European institutions.
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