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Title: MESA - Maritime Europe Strategy Action - FOSTER Waterborne

Summary: Maritime Europe Strategy Action (MESA - FOSTER WATERBORNE), main strategic objective (in line with WATERBORNE-TP) is to strengthen the effectiveness of the research and innovation capacities of the European maritime industry, by:

  • Optimization of the European maritime RDI strategies
  • Improvement of the stakeholders network, of the dissemination, of the use of the research results, and increasing the visibility of the R&I findings
  • Fostering the definition of the maritime R&I transport policies

MESA, is:

  • providing support to the WATERBORNE TP work, enlarging and maintaining it;
  • identifying 4 major themes (implemented via Thematic Technology Groups on Energy Efficiency, Safety, Production, E-Maritime) performing an in-depth analysis and assessment of the achievements at EU and National level, to foster future strategic lines in research and innovation;
  • updating the strategic research agenda and creating an innovation agenda contributing to close the gaps between research and market uptake;
  • enhancing a network for the exchange of ideas and priorities;
  • acting as major player for dissemination raising waterborne value chain profile and visibility in Europe.

Foresight activity will provide market, societal and regulatory trends studies, contributing to transport RDI policies. A Integration Group will issue Strategic documents for the waterborne sector: VISIONS2030, Strategic Research Agenda, Innovation Agenda, Implementation Plan, homogenizing findings of the Thematic Technology Groups and the Foresight.

A comprehensive communication strategy will be implemented including coverage of the TRA2014, 2016, Technology Workshops, Major conferences, Newsletter, Brokerage Events, Show Cases of successful projects, TRIP liaison, etc. MESA involves 28 partners, (industrial, research, education, associations) ensuring the widest possible participation accustomed to work together since many years, in the majority of EU projects and in the WATERBORNE-TP.

For more information, please visit EurOcean Knowledge Gate.