User contributions for Jordankent
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20 July 2018
- 02:3402:34, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,400 N Baltic COMPASS Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Comprehensive Policy Actions and Investments in Sustainable Solutions in Agriculture in the Baltic Sea Region'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': Baltic Compass works w..."
- 02:3302:33, 20 July 2018 diff hist +768 N AUXNAVALIA Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Enhancement of the innovation capacity and competitiveness of the auxiliary shipbuilding industry'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The project looks for the creation..."
- 02:3102:31, 20 July 2018 diff hist +3,172 N AQUAFIMA Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Integrating Aquaculture and Fisheries Management towards a sustainable regional development in the Baltic Sea Region'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The fishery sec..."
- 02:2402:24, 20 July 2018 diff hist +6 APICE No edit summary
- 02:2402:24, 20 July 2018 diff hist +3,325 N APICE Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Common Mediterranean strategy and local practical Actions for the mitigation of Port, Industries and Cities Emissions'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': Harbours - on o..."
- 02:2102:21, 20 July 2018 diff hist +1,453 N ANCORIM Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Atlantic Network for Coastal Risk Management'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': Atlantic Europe is made up of 33 regions stretching across a coastline of 1,550 miles, h..."
- 02:1902:19, 20 July 2018 diff hist +3 AGROCHEPACK No edit summary
- 02:1802:18, 20 July 2018 diff hist +21 AGROCHEPACK No edit summary
- 02:1802:18, 20 July 2018 diff hist +3,319 N AGROCHEPACK Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Design of a common agrochemical plastic packaging waste management scheme to protect natural resources in synergy with agricultural plastic waste valorisation''..."
- 02:1602:16, 20 July 2018 diff hist +1,671 N ADB multiplatform Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Adriatic - Danube - Black Sea multimodal platform'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The idea of the project is to develop and promote environmentally friendly, multim..."
- 02:1402:14, 20 July 2018 diff hist +1,311 N ACTIVE WETLANDS Created page with "'''Title:''' ''ACTIVE measures on WETLANDS for decreasing nutrient load in the Baltic Sea'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': Agriculture is an important sector in both Estonia and Fin..."
- 02:1302:13, 20 July 2018 diff hist +1,406 N Act4myBalticSea Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Coastal communities actions for a cleaner Baltic Sea'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The poor condition of the coastal water bodies around the Baltic Sea has a negat..."
- 02:1202:12, 20 July 2018 diff hist +1,233 N 4 POWER Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Policy and Public-Private Partnerships for Offshore Wind EneRgy'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': 4POWER (Policy and Public Private Partnerships for Offshore Wind EneR..."
- 02:1002:10, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,229 N SUSTAINABLEOCEAN Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Accommodating New Interests at Sea: Legal Tools for Sustainable Ocean Governance'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': This research project will develop a theoretical fra..." current
- 02:0702:07, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,153 N SUCCESS Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Strategic Use of Competitiveness towards Consolidating the Economic Sustainability of the european Seafood sector'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': SUCCESS is bringin..." current
- 02:0502:05, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,243 N STRONGMAR Created page with "'''Title:''' ''STRengthening MARritime Technology Research Center'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': INEST TEC is strongly committed to become a center of excellence in maritime techn..." current
- 02:0202:02, 20 July 2018 diff hist +1,411 N SIMSEA Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Scenario simulations of the changing Black Sea ecosystem'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': Marine modelling at JRC provides a tool to examine the present and future st..." current
- 01:5801:58, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,263 N SeaDataCloud Created page with "'''Title:''' ''SeaDataCloud - Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The SeaDataNet pan-European in..." current
- 01:5601:56, 20 July 2018 diff hist +1,944 N SeaChange Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Sea Change'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The overarching goals of the Sea Change project are to bring about a fundamental “Sea Change” in the way European citi..." current
- 01:4101:41, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,218 N SAF21 Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Social Science Aspects of Fisheries for the 21st Century'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': SAF21 is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral network that embeds the soci..." current
- 01:3601:36, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,023 N Respon-SEA-ble Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Sustainable oceans : our collective responsibility, our common interest. Building on real-life knowledge knowledge systems for developing interactive and mutual..." current
- 01:0301:03, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,310 N PrimeFish Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Developing Innovative Market Orientated Prediction Toolbox to Strengthen the Economic Sustainability and Competitiveness of European Seafood on Local and Global..." current
- 00:5100:51, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,206 N Pp2EMBRC Created page with "'''Title:''' ''European Marine Biology Resource Centre preparatory phase 2'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': EMBRC is a distributed infrastructure of marine biology and ecology, enc..." current
- 00:4400:44, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,314 N PLATFORM2 Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Platform of bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': PLATFORM brings together ERA-NETs in the area of the bioeconomy. The current proposal will c..." current
- 00:4000:40, 20 July 2018 diff hist +1,645 N OCEANERA-NET COFUND Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Ocean Energy ERA-NET Cofund'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': Abstract OCEANERA-NET COFUND aims at coordinating the efforts of 8 agencies, in 4 Member states and 4 re..." current
- 00:3800:38, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,077 N NEPTUNE Created page with "'''Title:''' ''New cross sEctorial value chains creation across EuroPe faciliTated by clUsters for SMEs's INnovation in BluE Growth'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The EU faces hug..." current
- 00:3300:33, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,297 N MITIGATE Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Multidimensional, IntegraTed, rIsk assessment framework and dynamic, collaborative Risk ManaGement tools for critical information infrAstrucTurEs'' <br> <br> '..."
- 00:3100:31, 20 July 2018 diff hist +1,903 N MINOUW Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The complexity of the problem of banni..."
- 00:2100:21, 20 July 2018 diff hist +2,213 N MERCES Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The project MERCES is focused on the restoration of different degraded marine..."
19 July 2018
- 23:4923:49, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,268 N Marine Mammals Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Using marine mammals for making science education and science careers attractive for young people'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The Marine Mammals proposes to crea..."
- 23:4623:46, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,162 N MARIBE Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Marine Investment for the Blue Economy'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The primary objective of this MARIBE BG5 project is to identify the most promising business mo..."
- 23:4423:44, 19 July 2018 diff hist −1 LIFES 50plus No edit summary
- 23:4423:44, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,132 N LIFES 50plus Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Qualification of innovative floating substructures for 10MW wind turbines and water depths greater than 50m'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The focus of the projec..."
- 05:5605:56, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,258 N JERICO-NEXT Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The co..."
- 05:5305:53, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,021 N INTAROS Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Integrated Arctic observation system'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The overall objective of INTAROS is to develop an integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) b..."
- 05:3905:39, 19 July 2018 diff hist −1 GreenBubbles No edit summary
- 05:3805:38, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,097 N GreenBubbles Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Green Bubbles RISE for sustainable diving'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': Recreational SCUBA diving has become a mass leisure activity engaging millions of divers w..."
- 05:3605:36, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,224 N EuroMED-IMWC Created page with "'''Title:''' ''EuroMED Cooperation: Inland and Marine Water Challenges'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The project supports the organization of the Italian Presidency event ‘Eur..."
- 05:3405:34, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,112 N EU-PolarNet Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Connecting Science with Society'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The rapid changes occurring in the Polar Regions are significantly influencing global climate with c..."
- 05:3205:32, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,226 N EO4wildlife Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Platform for wildlife monitoring integrating Copernicus and ARGOS data'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': EO4wildlife main objective is to bring large number of multidi..."
- 05:2805:28, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,212 N EMSODEV Created page with "'''Title:''' ''EMSO implementation and operation: DEVelopment of instrument module'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The EMSODEV general objective is to catalyse the full operations..."
- 05:2405:24, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,044 N EfficienSea 2 Created page with "'''Title:''' ''EfficienSea 2 - Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The trend in navigational accidents no longer appears to decrease. In..."
- 05:2105:21, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,236 N ECOPOTENTIAL Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Ecopotential: improving future ecosystem benefits through earth observations'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': Terrestrial and marine ecosystems provide essential serv..."
- 05:1905:19, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,216 N EASTMED-PALEOTSUNAMI Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Towards a paleotsunami chronology in the southern Aegean and Levantine seas, Eastern Mediterranean'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': In 2004 and 2011, the World witne..."
- 05:1705:17, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,265 N DiscardLess Created page with "'''Title:''' ''DiscardLess – Strategies for the gradual elimination of discards in European fisheries'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The European Union has committed to the grad..."
- 05:1505:15, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,166 N DemoWind Created page with "'''Title:''' ''DemoWind ERA-NET Cofund action - delivering cost reduction in offshore wind'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': DemoWind proposes to launch and implement a coordinated,..."
- 05:1205:12, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,142 N CSA Oceans 2 Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Coordination action in support of the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on 'Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans'' <br> <br> '''Summary''':..."
- 05:1005:10, 19 July 2018 diff hist +1,232 N CommBeBiz Created page with "'''Title:''' ''CommBeBiz - Communicating and Bridging BioEconomy Research to Business'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': Communicate and Bridge BioEconomy Research to Business The ov..."
- 05:0705:07, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,219 N CERES Created page with "'''Title:''' ''Climate change and European aquatic RESources'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': CERES advances a cause-and-effect understanding of how future climate change will infl..."
- 05:0205:02, 19 July 2018 diff hist +2,120 N BLUEMED Created page with "'''Title:''' ''BLUEMED'' <br> <br> '''Summary''': The BLUEMED Project is a Coordination and Support Action for the exploitation of the BLUEMED Research and Innovation Initiati..."