Title: Nature and Nurture of the Northern Baltic Sea
Summary: The archipelago of Finland, Åland and Sweden is naturally nutrient-rich and highly productive, featuring diverse and unique flora. However, the area is under strong land-use pressure conflicting with the need to maintain the archipelago environment both for inhabitants and tourists. Therefore, sustainable planning of the area becomes very important, and more information about the special features of the underwater nature is needed. Unfortunately, there is a lack of basic tools and cooperation between experts and stakeholders with regard to the marine environment.
The NANNUT project integrates the usage of underwater information in the planning of human activities in marine shallow areas. By carrying out pilot actions, the project develops best practices. The outcomes of these pilot actions are disseminated to non-participating organisations in Finland, Åland and Sweden. Furthermore, the project is creating GIS (Geographic Information System) maps of fish reproduction areas, providing underwater nature data within harbour areas, developing checklists for making rescue plans in case of oil destruction, and building an interactive web-portal for citizens and marine experts.
For more information, please visit EurOcean Knowledge Gate.