Title: Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts - toolKIT
Summary: "PORTOPIA aims to develop, next to extensions of existing indicators within the different perspectives of port performance, innovative approaches for the industry's stakeholders, such as:
- Development of a forecasting dimension in port performance management within the market trends and structure category;
- Development of top-down methods for harmonised socio-economic impact calculation;
- Development of an innovative, port-individualized tool for environmental and safety performance;
- Development of European port-related logistics chain connectivity indicators;
- Development of new governance indicators based on the changing role of port authorities, including indicators on financial capabilities and transparency;
- Development of a method to capture user perceptions of port performance;
- Development of a dedicated performance management system for the inland ports sector, including attention to the interaction between sea and inland ports;
- Development of a strategy map and an integrated benchmarking tool taking into account the specificities of ports.
Furthermore, PORTOPIA aims to increase substantially the efficiency (user friendliness) of the data collection, to automate the calculations and the management system, and to build a solid data warehouse ensuring data confidentiality of individual contributors in all phases (collection, calculation, reporting). Also, further professionalizing of the communication and dissemination of results through a dedicated website, professional reporting, annual events on port performance, etc. belongs to PORTOPIA’s objectives.
The end result of PORTOPIA will be a state-of-the-art, sustainable, self-supporting European Ports Observatory, endorsed by port stakeholders, that provides superior value to the industry and its stakeholders by supplying transparent, useful and robust indicators and the contextual analysis of thereof, leading to improved resource efficiency, effectiveness and societal support for the European Port System."
For more information, please visit EurOcean Knowledge Gate.