Lessons Learned from Ireland MML workshops

Revision as of 03:53, 11 January 2019 by Youarethecause (talk | contribs)
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* Achieve positive engagement with all types of local stakeholders including relevant government agencies, local businesses; regulators; NGOs, CSOs, researchers and citizens;
  • All relevant stakeholders need to be involved in the process of developing sustainable tourism ventures within MPAs);
  • Assess / quantify the social, economic and environmental risks;
  • Attract private investment and develop national projects;
  • Attract students into engineering courses;
  • Avoid conflict through policies for ensuring that any supports are widely known, widely available and not exclusive;
  • Avoiding "Groupthink" and the "Erroneous Priorities Effect": taking measures for the protection of the authenticity of all ideas;


  • Bring people and particularly the young on location where they can have transformative experiences that they will seek to relieve throughout their lives;
  • Build capacity through education by developing local and national programmes for secondary schools and outreach programmes through citizen projects utilising real-time data from monitoring equipment;
  • Build the appropriate infrastructure and technology for the Wave Energy Sector;


  • Capture the content in a way that is more free-flowing which is later interpreted by the workshop team;
  • Choose a familiar methodology for participants;
  • Clarify from the start of any process or workshop all terms and acronyms so that all participants from various backgrounds understand them;
  • Consider the impacts of any activity before consenting which may require the deployments of monitoring technologies to facilitate monitoring and impact assessment;
  • Coordinate all activities related to policy, planning and regulation in the best possible way to reduce conflict and help meet environmental, economic and social objectives;
  • Create the opportunity to network and discuss, in order to identify the key marine and societal challenges for the Wave Energy Sector;


  • Defining the Workshop's Triggering Question: What actions are needed from a policy, social / cultural, economic, technological perspective to develop the subject?;
  • Develop a clear communications strategy;
  • Develop a clear understanding around MSP and what its implications are for all stakeholders groups including offshore wind;
  • Develop a GIS information database;
  • Develop a stakeholder engagement plan;
  • Develop webinars for cross-sectoral stakeholder engagement;
  • Developing a spatial plan specific to zoning of areas of offshore renewables;


  • Each initiative on sustainable tourism products requires the right expertise (knowledge and skills) and institutional participatory processes that will support stakeholders' successful involvement;
  • Encourage and promote marine involvement for all stakeholders;
  • Engage local communities at awareness raising events;
  • Engage young potential "citizen scientists" in schools to promote the issue at hand;
  • Explain the method used to the participants as clearly and in a shorter time;
  • Explain clearly the workshop methodology and how the outputs will be used at the beginning of the workshop and include some warm-up activity;


  • Find a topic which will attract different stakeholders;
  • Find the best way to incorporate the multi-disciplinary element into the organisation of the workshop;


  • Generate ideas for actions during the workshops by having: a) simple, short title; one line describing the idea and one-two lines (minimum) explaining and clarifying the idea;
  • Generate ideas for actions during the workshops by having: b) think who would be responsible for implementing the proposed action and how to engage the person or organisation;
  • Generate ideas for actions during the workshops by having: c) timing (when could such an idea be implemented);
  • Generate ideas for actions during the workshops by having: d) resources (how would the idea be implemented);


  • Have proactive public participation from stakeholders, in particular from governance and industry;


  • Increase the level of awareness of Marine Spatial Planning process and it's implication in coastal communities and for all stakeholders;
  • Inform and educate wider society of the impacts, challenges and potential solutions for coastal protection;
  • Involve all the interested stakeholders;
  • It's difficult to deliver a coastal protection strategy that is fit for purpose by all stakeholders;
  • It's necessary the implementation of a coherent national monitoring programme;
  • It's necessary to develop a long-term and cross-cutting strategic planning;


  • Make a clear presentation of the debated issue and its current status;


  • Offer an incentive for citizens in order to attract people to attend at the workshop;
  • Open data for all interested stakeholders;


  • Perform an analysis of publics' behaviours before engaging the public engagement;
  • Plan the programme to encourage as much opportunity for interactions between participants;
  • Plan the stakeholders carefully to ensure that the right people, stakeholder groups and organisations are in the room;
  • Present the MML and RRI approach;
  • Promote best practice cross sectoral stakeholder engagement processes through webinars;


  • Recruit participants based on their interest, research, business or private experience in Marine Spatial Planning MSP and or Offshore Energy;
  • Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) can help to overcome the current marine and societal challenges and unlock the potential for Blue Growth;


  • Science & Education and Open Access have a vital role in achieving success in the development of sustainable tourism ventures within Marine Protected Areas;
  • Stimulate and ensure open dialogue among the attendees;


  • The need for a national strategy for coastal management in general, and coastal protection in specific, to overcome current fragmentation;
  • The SDD method allows for integrating contributions from individuals with diverse views, backgrounds and perspectives through a process that is structured, inclusive and collaborative;
  • The ultimate aim should be to develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts and to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products;
  • There is a strong need for redefining and refocusing the business model of tourism;
  • Try to engage volunteer groups/stakeholders who use the sea on a regular basis;


  • Use a method that gives the opportunity to all of the participants to express their opinion;
  • Use audience targeted communication for all types stakeholders that is engaging;
  • Use methods that offer to the participants the opportunity to interact and to have open discussions;
  • Use new communications channels and IT technologies as opportunities to engage with communities;
  • Use of different communications platforms/technologies to communicate with stakeholders and make data accessible;
  • Use of research and data sets to ensure that decisions are made to safeguard the interests of all stakeholders;
  • Use of technology as an instrument to both monitor the regulations and to disseminate data in near real-time;
  • Use of the outcomes of the national monitoring programme as part of a targeted national awareness raising campaign;

See also...
