Lessons Learned for World Café Methodology
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Milestone 1
- Attract different stakeholders in order to have a diversity and complementarity to obtain inputs as complete as possible.
Milestone 2
- Identify motives for policy makers and implementers to participate in the workshops as they are reluctant in participating;
- Improve science literacy and research applicability to increase awareness on the specific issue.
Milestone 3
- Attract participants by sending invitations via e‐mail, followed by phone calls;
- Present and explain the method used;
- Encouraged all the participants to work on all the solutions during the session;
- Invite stakeholders to provide their feedback about workshop.
Milestone 4
- Stakeholders are concerned that the authorities and the private companies will decide to advance with Deep Sea Mining without proper public consultation and without knowing sufficient about the deep sea;
- The society believes that RRI will never be in full effect without strong political will;
- Use a method that encourages participants to work together in order to have an interactive group;
- Find moderators with experience on methods used for event moderation;
- Try to approach of potential participants and their engagement in convergent discussions with the future topic of the event;
- Develop partnerships for science outreach actions.
Milestone 5
- Create decision-making processes that are participative, transparent and allow for public deliberation;
- Have a discussion phase that is long enough for all participants to be fully aware of all the implications of the proposed ideas without extending the duration of the workshop;
- Increase awareness regarding water quality;
- Develop new capacities for studying and a performing monitoring;
- Develop a network of common interest;
- Improve efficient communication, generate plural debates and disseminate reliable data and information to convert vision into reality;
- Include key local stakeholders in the planning and implementation of local strategies;
- Include more education aspects of citizenship, sustainability and ecology in schools;
- Organize more science dissemination events targeting the general public;
- Promote citizen science to involve the general public on research;
- Develop more partnerships with the Media and NGOs in order to reach bigger audiences;
- Develop and organize more actions, in order that different stakeholders meet and discuss their ideas more often and get used to think outside their boxes;
- Promote the meaning of the term "renewable energy systems";
- Develop educational programs to prepare specialists in the "renewable energy systems" field;
- Conduct studies of renewable energy on the Black Sea coastal area.
Milestone 6
- Take actions in order to update the actual legislation;
- Follow-up on motivated participants of how that used the knowledge obtained in workshops for third private and professional projects;
- Create a common DATABASE – for centralizing all the data and studies regarding biodiversity;
- Develop partnership between different stakeholders;
- Disseminate the results on MARINA platform;
- Create links among participants for future partnerships and develop a network of common interest;
- Plan local actions in agreement with its local circumstances instead of promoting larger-scale policies;
- Adapt local policies and strategies in order to be in agreement with research outcomes;
- Use public-private partnerships as a new economical instrument;
- Raise public awareness regarding the benefits of renewable energy by promoting the renewable energy methods.
Milestone 7
- Build a coastal protection system that can harness the wave energy.
Milestone 8
- Disseminate information about opportunities, threats and risks on the studied topic;
- Protect the deep sea from mining, create laws that impose that deep sea mining is a non-profit activity and concert the deep sea into world heritage site;
- Provide strong incentives to promote the circular economy;
- Improve the legislative framework to encourage the capitalization process of renewable energy;
- Upgrade the transport infrastructure for renewable energy.