Lessons Learned for Marine Change due to Climate Change
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Milestone 2
- Make the MARINA platform a case study platform where collaborative coastal climate solution projects are presented;
- Improve science literacy and research applicability to increase awareness on the specific issue.
Milestone 3
- Develop concrete examples that stakeholders can understand and get involved.
Milestone 4
- Develop partnerships for science outreach actions;
- Capture the content in a way that is more free-flowing which is later interpreted by the workshop team.
Milestone 5
- Implement a coherent national monitoring programme;
- Apply a long-term and crosscutting strategic planning by defining SMART common vision and actions;
- Engage local communities in awareness raising event;
- Develop new methods of governance for engaging citizens through public awareness and politics;
- Develop case studies on how municipalities work with climate change projects and community driven innovation;
- Include key local stakeholders in the planning and implementation of local strategies;
- Include more education aspects of citizenship, sustainability and ecology in schools;
- Develop new capacities for studying and a performing monitoring;
- Increase awareness regarding water quality;
- Learn from education, rather than experience, is necessary to avoid climate changes impact;
- Include marine/environmental education in school curricula;
- Develop a national strategy for coastal management and coastal protection;
- Develop a coastal protection strategy that is fit for purpose by all stakeholders;
- Claim for an alignment between legislation and the changing scientific situation and technological innovations.
Milestone 6
- Develop sustainable and long-term solutions even if they do not entirely focus on technical and/or economic aspects, but add lifestyle qualities and/or facilities;
- Involve citizens in the political/technical systems;
- Create new models for evaluating risks and economic issues;
- Adapt local policies and strategies in order to be in agreement with research outcomes;
- Plan local actions in agreement with its local circumstances instead of promoting larger-scale policies;
- Create a common DATABASE – for centralizing all the data and studies regarding biodiversity;
- Disseminate the results on MARINA platform;
- Promote and develop responsible and sustainable tourism in a changing environment;
- Use rational the natural resources, with maximum economy;
- Education is the most important aspect that can accelerate social change and climate change mitigation;
- Create a path to open information on climate changes topic and related data;
- Change unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, in order to reduce the amount of waste;
- Develop campaigns for promoting sustainable fishing methods and techniques through protecting resources and other incentives/compensation;
- Development of an educational platform for changing knowledge between public and private institutions;
- Use of the outcomes of the national monitoring programme as part of a targeted national awareness raising campaign;
- Inform and educate wider society of the impacts, challenges and potential solutions for coastal protection;
- Assess / quantify the social, economic and environmental risk.
Milestone 7
- Restructuring different mechanisms in order to prevent pollution and to apply polluter sanctions, to ensure the transparency of legislative processes.
Milestone 8
- Use funding programs dedicated to citizens, aimed at replacing old goods and polluting with new and environmentally friendly ones;
- Define and update the legislation to prevent climate changes for Black Sea area;
- Involve citizens in public consultations and decision–making processes for local and national/ EU regulations;
- Improve port reception facilities and services for processing over waste from ships.