Title: Marine Investment for the Blue Economy
Summary: The primary objective of this MARIBE BG5 project is to identify the most promising business models in the Blue Growth (BG) economy (in particular multi-purpose platforms). Plans will be developed to overcome their challenges, propose how these models can be advanced to large scale pilot stage, and test the feasibility of the recommended business models. The pilots will be enabled by securing support from the investment community and liaising with EC to implement the outcomes of the project and continue funding support via H2020.
The final aim of this project to unlock the sustainable growth and jobs potential of BG. A new consortium has been created with connections to H2-Ocean, TROPOS and MERMAID having with the desired degree of independence, impartiality to ensure neutral business model assessment. The partnership comprises the full spectrum of academic and SME partners, including expertise from all relevant BG sectors, as well as FAO as key global partner to secure Trans-Atlantic pilot, and Business Models Inc. as the business model expert. Business models will first be mapped according to best practice methodology, cognisant of their value chains. The technical and non-technical challenges of the business will be measured based on their life cycle stage and proposals made for their mitigation.
Key stakeholders from all sectors of Blue Economy to BG will be engaged, as well as key investors. Following these reviews and engagements, four Think Tank workshops will be organised to envision innovative new business models, in particular considering multi-purpose platforms. The final workshop will then define implementation plans for best business model for each of the four basins.
Outcome from the project will include toolkits and guidelines for stakeholders and investment community with regards to the BG socio-economic trends and technical and non-technical challenges as well as reports on best business models for BG.
For more information, please visit EurOcean Knowledge Gate.