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Title: MEiobenthos in Shallow-water Marine ECosystems: A Monitoring, Experimental and Modelling Study to Understand Shallow-Water Meiobenthic Function in Marine Ecosystems and Assess its Economic Value

Summary: "The project MESMEC aims at assessing, understanding and predicting structure, diversity, function and importance of meiobenthos (small invertebrate sediment dwelling organisms) in shallow-water ecosystems in order to understand and predict better marine ecosystem dynamics and function in general.

To achieve this we will perform:

  • long-term monitoring analysis to understand natural spatial and temporal meiobenthic patterns and variability;
  • laboratory mesocosm experiments to assess impacts of environmental change (temperature, CO2, food) on meiofauna diversity and function;
  • the integration of these results into coupled ecosystem models to develop, consolidate and validate the meiobenthic component and assess current and predict future meiobenthic contribution to ecosystem function;
  • the quantification of the meiobenthic contribution to ecosystem goods and services and socio-economic value of coastal marine ecosystems;
  • efficient engagement with scientific, policy and general end-users.

The research training project, involving interdisciplinary experts, will provide a highly competent research fellow with the international experience and diversification and expansion of research and complementary skills needed to attain professional maturity and excellence in Marine Science in Europe. The project will deliver innovative marine ecosystem research and provide significant contributions to European Marine Management in light of the objectives of the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

For more information, please visit EurOcean Knowledge Gate.